Research Title: A Study of Opening Behavior in Getting Information to Facilitate Intellectual Development of the People on Seflf-Independence for Sustainable Development According to the Buddhist Way
Researchers: Asst. Prof. Bamroong Sukphan Dr. Bau Polrum
Department: Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Thammasat University
Fiscal Year: 2547 / 2004
Research Scholarship Sponsor: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
The research title “A study of opening behavior in getting information to facilitate intellectual development of the people on self-independence for sustainable development” has an objectives as follows: to study opening behavior in getting information of the people to facilitate intellectual development of the people on self independence for sustainable development according to the Buddhist way of the mass media concept and idea process of the people, to facilitate the knowledgement and participating I activities o self independence development according to Buddhist way.
To analyze data was percentage, mean and inferential statistics for research test of hypothesis L t-test, one way anova, Chi-Square.
The results of the research were seen as follows: the most samples were female with elementary school, employment with income 5,000-10,000 baht per month.
And opinions concerning with self independence for the Buddhist sustainable development have been background from the Buddha’s teachings called “Middle Path.” And most samples were found consumption and service of a commodity. It should not be consumed so much until which cause of desire and in overall parts was. The opinions toward to self independence for sustainable development were base on the Buddha’s teaching called “The middle Path” n high level.
The opinion behavior of getting information for the Buddhist sustainable development concerned with self independence, individual communication, specific communication and mass-media were seen that the most samples have opening behavior of getting information concerning with self-independence from mass media and in overall part. Most samples have opening behavior of getting information of people from mass communications in moderate level.
By participating in activities concerned with self independence for sustainable development. Samples facilitated the perfect business of community and in overall parts; the most participating was in moderate level.
But relationship of provincial residence among sex, degree of education, occupation and monthly income with opening behavior in getting information concerned with self-independence from individual communication, specific communication, communication of activities and mass media was found as follows:
Specific communication: the most samples with opening behavior in getting information concerned with self independence residence in Ayuthaya with education level were in high school, occupation of employment have monthly income amount 10,000 baht. Communication of activities and mass media: the most samples with regularly opening behavior in getting information have opinions toward self independence etc. residence in Ayuthaya and have education since diplomatic level, having occupation concerning with a trade, individual business and monthly income more than 10,000 baht.
Relationship of provincial residence among sex, degree of education, occupation and monthly income with opinions to self independence were found.
The samples residing in Ayuthaya will have opinions toward to self independence for sustainable and more than the samples were residing in Chonburi. The samples having education since level of high school and a diplomatic level will have opinions toward to self independence for sustainable development and more than the samples having education in level of elementary school. The samples with occupation of a trade individual business will have opinions toward to self independence etc. more than the samples having occupation concerning pupils, students, housewife in other.
Relationship between the samples with opening behavior of getting informations concerning self independence etc. from individual communication, specific communication and mass media with opinion toward to self indepedence etc. was found. Specific communication: the samples with regularly opening behavior of getting information will have opinions toward to self independence more than rarely opening behavior of geeing information and more than regularly opening behavior of getting information.
Relationship between the samples with opening behavior of getting information concerning with self independence etc. from individual communication, specific communication, communication of activities and mass media with participating in activities concerning on self independence etc. more than the samples having rely opening behavior of geeing information.
Specific communications, communication of activities and mass media: the samples with regularly pinging behavior of getting information concerning with self independence etc. from specific communication will participate in activities concerning with self independence etc. more than the sample with a close behavior and occasionally opening behavior of getting information.