วันจันทร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Benefit of Information for the Development of Quality of Life According to the Buddhist Sangha’s Use of Mass Media to Improving the Status of Livi

Research Title : The Benefit of Information for the Development of Quality of Life According to the Buddhist Sangha’s Use of Mass Media to Improving the Status of Living life of people and Sustainable Development
Researchers : Asst. Prof. Bamroong Sukphan Dr. Bau Ponrum
Department : Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Thammasat University
Fiscal Year : 2548 / 2005
Research Scholarship Sponsor : Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


This research concern was to have a benefit of information for the development of quality of life according to Buddhist Sangha’s use of mass media for improving the status of living life of people and sustainable development.
The research objectives:

To study mass media information gains for quality of life of the Buddhist Sangha.

To study reflections and consumption of mass media beneficial to the Buddhist Sangha.

To study cooperation rural workshops collecting experience and wisdom worthy of propagation to the local society assisted b the Buddhist Sangha.

To study sustainable development conceptualizations originating from the Buddhist Sangha to benefit of rural society.

The statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics: percentages, averages and inferential statistics in testing the hypothesis of the study by using Chi-Square.

After the completion of research the Samples of the 500 case studies, most monks in 50-59 years of age group have less than 20 years in abbot, some possess bachelor degrees, while other for Buddhist education possess the Nakdham-ek ( three levels of Dhamma study) and the first Pali grades 1-4.

Most mass media consumption was done to develop daily quality of life, through television, national/local radio, newspapers, pamphlets, and magazines. Most of information Sangha has propagated for local development concerning moral development.

The Sangha propagate information concerning development of the quality of life in various activities mostly assists and cooperates with the people, organizing group and manage activities by development/ training morality.

The Sangha’s conceptualizations and models were useful in the sustainable development and serve the welfare of society. The Sangha cooperates and participates with people in the local development, especially in sustainable development by training and advice the people through face to face.

Population social statistics were useful to determine the relationship with the Buddhist Sangha and general population. Population was statistics reveal the social background, age; literacy rates etc. they were more than seventy in he Buddhist Sangha accept news from a national radio, Buddhist Sangha members below 40 years old receive most of their information from local radio, age 40-49 years old receive the information from television and general newspapers. The Buddhist Sangha was 60=69 and seventy years old receive information from magazines. Most of these Sangha was below the high school education.

The relationship between the Sangha for receiving information for development of quality of life from mass media and the Sangha consume informational news concerning the education/ training in sufficient economic development, preservation of the forest and environment, the promotion of charity and moral conduct, quarrying cultural arts and local knowledge etc. the result of mass media consumption was seen by the Sangha as follows:

A. Consumer of National Radio:

a) These consumers rarely accept general radio broadcasts for the development of their quality of life and sufficient economics effort.

b) Advice to protect forest environments, develop moral and generosity on conducive to a better society, to watch over the cultural arts and local knowledge, etc. – this information is accepted from national radio broadcasts.

B) Consumers of Local Radio:

a) the sample group received information for using in education and training for welfare of society and development of morality from the local radio.

b) to develop sufficient economics, preserve the forest environment, protect cultural arts and local wisdom, and to provide social welfare-this information is not available through local radio broadcasts.

C) Consumers of television:

a) Educational and training workshops were broadcasted but most consumers never learned about or never proposed quality of living life initiatives from television.

b) few accept to develop sufficient economic, protect the forest and environment, guard cultural and local wisdom and to provide social welfare from broadcasts, but most consumers never learned from television.

c) acts of charity and to develop morality is often accepted from TV.

D) Consumers of Public Newspapers, Local Newspapers, and Magazines:

a) to development sufficient economics, perverse the forest environment, provide social welfare, develop\op morality protect cultural arts and local wisdom this information is often accepted from public newspapers.

b) the relationship with local development in education and training, the development of sufficient economics, preservation of the forest environment, proving for social welfare, development of morality, protection of cultural arts and local wisdom cooperation with villager to develop rural area is often initiated from educated uban people.

The relationship with the Buddhist Sangha who has received information from the local radio, newspapers and the Buddhist Sangha’s role is useful for sustainable local development, the Buddhist Sangha leadership assists, cooperates with people and serves the welfare of society, and it should be seen as follows:

1. Local Radio: a major role for local radio is to more cooperate with the people, and the Buddhist Sangha as coordinator seldom accept information form the local radio, but the Buddhist Sangha as the moral leaders of society often accept information and provide social welfare through local radio.

2. General Newspapers: the sample group has a major role and more cooperate with the people, but consumes rarely accept information from the general newspapers for the welfare and development of society. The Buddhist Sangha who is coordinator and leader of society seldom receives the information from the general newspapers.

Admissions from Sangha:

The relationship between the Buddhist Sangha and admission to any information used to develop their quality life from mass media in order to operate as sustainable development through community leader, local development organization and local mass media, as follows:

1. General National Radio broadcasting: the sample group received more information through face to face information than from mass media and received information through community leader, local development a organization and local mass media from general radio.

2. Local Radio Broadcasting”: the sample group received more information through face to face interactions than from mass media.

3. Television: the sample group received information face to face through local development organization, and local mass media and community leader from television.

4. General Newspapers: The sample group received most information through face to face and through local development organization from the general newspapers, seldom admits information through community leader from general newspapers, and most received information through community leader from general newspapers, and most received information through local mass media from newspapers.

5. Social Newspapers: the sample group revived information through face to face interactions from local newspapers although through local community leader, local development organization, and local mass media.

6. Magazines: The sample groups received information through local mass media, and seldom received information through local development organization and most admit magazine information through the community leader.

